What Is a Child?


The term child is used to refer to a human being that is in the early stages of development or is between the ages of infancy and puberty. The word is also sometimes used to describe an unborn human being, called a fetus. In legal terms, a child is a person under the age of majority and generally has fewer rights than adults. Children may be subject to abuse or exploitation. Millions of children around the world are victims of extreme violence, poverty, natural disasters and disease. UNICEF and other agencies are working to sustain global commitments made at the first World Summit for Children held in 1990, and to advance the health, education and protection of children.

Across cultures, ideas about childhood are highly variable. In the past, children were often regarded as little more than property and were subject to various forms of exploitation. In the modern era, however, ideas about the importance of childhood have evolved to the point where the rights of children are internationally recognized and protected by treaties.

When talking about a child, it is often helpful to consider their unique characteristics. Children are often able to grasp complex concepts at an early age, for example, they can understand the meaning of numbers and abstract concepts like gravity. They are also often very creative and imaginative. In addition, they can be sensitive to the feelings of others, which allows them to empathize with people who are suffering.

A major challenge that children face is the struggle to balance their own needs with the responsibilities and expectations of others. They are especially prone to peer pressure and may be influenced by their parents, siblings and peers. This can have long-term consequences on their social and emotional well-being.

Children are also particularly sensitive to criticism and may be impacted by negative comments that are directed towards them. For this reason, it is important to avoid making critical comments about children in public. It is also important to encourage children to take risks and be courageous, as this will help them develop a sense of self-esteem and self-worth.

One of the best ways to connect with children is to get down on their level and play with them. It is also important to listen and respond to them, as they will often offer valuable insight that can help you in your life.

Scholars have conducted research on the topic of children for decades. Typically, these scholars come from literature departments at universities (English, German, etc.), cultural studies, or the humanities and conduct literary analysis of books written for children. The findings of this type of research are typically published in scholarly journals or books. The humanities have also provided a foundation for many of the principles that form the basis of international laws governing the treatment of children. The United Nations system is designed to promote the health, safety and well-being of children. This is reflected in the work of UN agencies, such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Children’s Fund and the International Labour Organisation, which are all focused on promoting children’s rights.