Children rely on adults to protect them and help them grow into healthy, happy and capable individuals. They are the future of the world, but if they do not receive proper care and protection, they can face immense challenges. This is why the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1990 – to guide governments and organizations as they strive to make children’s well-being their top priority.
Every child deserves a good childhood, including enough food, safe water and shelter, an adequate education, nutritious meals, and medical care. This is especially important for children living in poverty, who are most at risk of exploitation, abuse, violence and other harmful practices. The Government has a responsibility to help families who cannot afford these necessities.
All children have the right to be free from physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect, no matter who they are or where they live. They also have the right to be protected from being forced into work or into marriage and other relationships against their will, as well as to be free from all forms of exploitation and discrimination. Children should be able to report any abuse they experience without fear of punishment or retaliation. They are also entitled to legal and medical assistance if they have been injured or harmed.
Children have the right to live with their parents, or other persons responsible for them, in a family environment that is safe, healthy and supportive. They should not be separated from their parents unless there is a legitimate reason, such as unplanned pregnancy or when they are living in a foster home. In those cases, the child must be placed with a relative or other appropriate person.
Throughout the world, children are at risk of becoming victims of serious abuse and violations of their basic human rights. This is often the result of armed conflict, natural disasters, poverty and hunger, and inadequate health care and education. Governments should implement and enforce laws that protect children, while also ensuring that their communities support the best interests of the child.
The best way to protect a child’s rights is to educate them about them. This can be done through books, television, radio and the internet. It is important that children are exposed to a variety of sources, so they can develop their own opinions and ideas about different topics. It is equally important that adults listen to the opinions of children and take them seriously.
It is true that children are messy, they can cause havoc in the household and they will most likely have a lot of arguments with their siblings. However, there are many benefits to having children that people don’t always hear about. They can save you money and they can help you live a longer life. So, if you are thinking of having kids, think about all the positives that come with them. You may just find that they are worth it!