Mental Health and Support for Abandoned Children

Children are most vulnerable when they’re abandoned, whether it’s a newborn infant found alone in the street or a toddler living in squalid conditions with no one to care for them. Abandoned children often suffer from neglect and malnutrition and are at a higher risk for abuse and death, especially when help is delayed. All abandoned children are traumatized and have a hard time trusting others, making it even more important to provide them with mental health services and support systems to help them heal.

Parents have legal parental rights, which include the responsibility to provide their children with shelter, food, clothing and medical care. When parents don’t live up to these responsibilities, they can lose their rights and face criminal charges.

There are many reasons why parents abandon their babies, including drug and alcohol addictions, mental illness, and relationship issues with a spouse or partner. In addition, a difficult pregnancy can be overwhelming for a new parent, and a decision to give up a child is sometimes the only choice a desperate parent feels they have left.

Some countries still have orphanages, which can take in abandoned children until permanent adoptive families are found. Oftentimes, these organizations also offer parenting classes and other services to help parents re-establish a healthy bond with their children. In the United States, what happens to an abandoned baby can vary by state, but the goal is always to keep the child safe.

Despite their tragic circumstances, many abandoned children have stories of hope and survival, such as the story of baby India who was found by first responders in Georgia and subsequently adopted by a loving family. These children need our help so they can be placed with families that will nurture them and love them forever.

All abandoned children, even those who are found later in life, have been affected by trauma that leaves them feeling unsafe and unloved. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and a lack of self-esteem that affects every aspect of their lives.

Children are incredibly resilient and can adapt to their surroundings, but it’s crucial to address the trauma they’ve experienced early on. This is why it’s important to provide them with access to mental health and support systems so they can have a happy, healthy future.