Children are the future of society, but too many of them face a deadly mix of threats: conflict and natural disasters that drive families from their homes; malnutrition, disease and soaring rates of illiteracy; lack of access to safe drinking water, education and healthcare. All of these risks are exacerbated by climate change. The world needs to focus on children as it seeks to build a better and more sustainable future.
Children have specific rights – defined by international law and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) – that are aimed at ensuring they get the care, education, support and protection they need. The CRC is one of the most widely ratified international human rights treaties. Its 54 articles spell out the basic human rights of all children everywhere, including their right to life, survival, development, nationality and identity, freedom of expression and thought, privacy, and more.
A child’s right to survival begins at conception, and includes the right to food, shelter, clothing and medical attention, as well as a healthy environment in which they can grow. It also includes the right to a name, which is officially recognized by the government, and a family unit that can provide them with love and security. Governments must protect children from abuse and neglect, as well as exploitation and violence.
All children have the right to a secure, stable and loving family – of any structure – that nurtures them physically, emotionally and spiritually. It should instill a sense of belonging and help them develop their individual personality, regardless of where they are from or what language they speak or what religion they practise.
All families have a responsibility to teach their children about the importance of treating other people with respect and tolerance, including those who are different from themselves. This includes a duty to ensure children are not exposed to harmful practices that amount to violence against them, such as sexual exploitation and the recruitment of children for armed conflicts. Governments must also ensure children have a right to family reunification, and that the process is carried out in a timely manner and with minimal distress.
Children have the right to justice – a fair, effective and transparent legal system that treats them with dignity, respect and humanity. This includes the right to an attorney who will represent them throughout legal proceedings, and to access information about their case. Governments should make sure that children who have committed crimes can’t be killed, tortured or ill-treated, and that they are not placed in prison forever. They should be allowed to contact their parents and other family members, and they must have access to adequate rehabilitation and legal aid.
All governments must put in place measures to prevent and punish the sexual exploitation of children. They should prohibit the sale of children, prohibit armed forces recruiting or sending children to war zones, and establish penalties for the illegal trafficking in children and child pornography. They should also work to end other forms of exploitation, such as organ donation and illegal adoptions.