Children’s Rights

children rights

Children are the future – and we need to ensure that their rights are protected so they can contribute to our world and thrive. But the reality is that millions of children are living in conditions that make them vulnerable to exploitation, abuse and extreme forms of violence. Millions more live with hunger, disease and poverty. And millions of children’s lives are cut short by war, natural disasters and other causes of conflict.

The human rights treaty known as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is one of the most important and wide-ranging agreements in international law that protects the dignity, well-being, development and identity of children everywhere. It has been ratified by 196 countries and is the most widely ratified of all international human rights treaties. Every government has a responsibility to respect and implement the provisions of the CRC in practice, but other adults – such as parents or carers – teachers, wider families, and local communities also play a role in realising children’s rights.

It is essential that children are involved and listened to in the decisions that affect them. Children have a right to participate – and be listened to – in all areas of life, including education, health and social care, and this must be considered on the basis of their age and level of maturity. Children should be protected from all forms of exploitation, including forced marriage and labour, and from any other type of harm or injury. They should have access to a free quality education that enables them to reach their full potential and provides them with skills, knowledge and understanding to help them lead fulfilling lives.

Parents or guardians are responsible for bringing up children, but this doesn’t mean that they should be allowed to harm or neglect them. Children who are not being looked after by their parents or guardians have the right to be supported by people who will respect their religion, culture and language. Children have the right to privacy – their homes, personal communications and reputation must be kept private and away from prying eyes, especially online.

All children have the right to freedom of expression – including through art, music, writing, film and the media – provided that their thoughts do not hurt or offend others. They must be taught to respect the autonomy, beliefs and rights of everyone in their society, regardless of gender, race or ability.

Children have the right to be protected during war and not to join the military or fight in it, unless they are older than 18. Children who break the law should not be killed, tortured or treated cruelly, and they must never be put in prison with adults. Prison should be the last option and should only be for the shortest time possible. Children should be able to get legal help when they are arrested and to stay in touch with their family.